Our Grateful Thanks to Shelby B. For This Review
I share this review as a Board Member of an HOA who hired Veracity 8 years ago and our condo complex continues to do business with them.
The Short Version
Veracity is FANTASTIC and I 100% recommend doing business with them if you’re seeking skilled, experienced, effective and efficient HOA management. I served on the Board for 4 years and was continually impressed with the communication, organization, record keeping, vendor selection / management, professionalism and expertise of Veracity at a very reasonable cost.
The Long Version
The communication speed and detail from Veracity is excellent and far surpasses that of any other company our complex has used in the 13 years I’ve owned in our complex. Emails from the Board and residents are responded to promptly and in great detail.
Veracity’s follow up and record keeping are bar none. Any time a member or resident complained that their repair requests were being ignored or complained of response time from Veracity, our manager provided compiled notes (sometimes dating back years) with time stamped detail about each phone call or email on the topic. Every single time, without exception, the member was incorrectly remembering or misrepresenting the situation/events. Sometimes Veracity has to give answers that members don’t like to hear (the issue is the responsibility of the owner, or that request was denied by the Board, or the request isn’t legally allowed per Dallas law, or that structure is managed by Atmos/AT&T, etc), but it doesn’t mean Veracity isn’t doing their job.
Veracity came to the table with multiple vendors in every segment of maintenance. They understood that our unique roof and exterior materials would require specialized maintenance experts, and they already had multiple vendors to reach out to, all appropriately licensed and insured. Any issue we have encountered, Veracity comes ready with 3+ bids / scope of work to review and evaluate. This is something that was promised to us by many management companies, they never delivered. Veracity is the only company we’ve worked with that does this as standard practice, is ready to go, and does so eagerly.
Veracity has done this for a long time and they have an abundance of expertise, always ready with answers and solutions to problems that feel insurmountable and overwhelming as a Board member.
Veracity is exceptional at thinking out of the box. They’ve found creative ways to get our complex money by allowing advertising, they’ve asked adjacent complexes to help fund shared fences even though the structures were technically on our property line (doesn’t hurt to ask!), they’ve found thoughtful ways to lower our insurance costs without significantly lowering coverage or increasing liability, etc.
Veracity is also incredibly diligent. This is one of the main factors I believe sets Veracity apart from others. They can and will tackle the hard things. They know, and will warn you, the payoff may not be immediate, but if it is worth fighting they will fight it to the end.
Veracity has been in this business a very long time. They know where to anticipate problems, how to prevent problems, and the experience to know the best way to tackle issues. They are truly stellar, in my opinion and experience. I shudder to think what the financial and structural situation would be for our complex if we had not found and hired Veracity.
Veracity’s extensive expertise, fairness and determination are incredibly impressive and more importantly, consistent. As a (former) Board member, I can’t imagine doing business with anyone else. As a resident and owner, I know my condo and its future are in capable hands. I no longer worry about the long term structural and financial security of my home and investment. If you are a Board Member frustrated by your Management Company, look no further than Veracity! 10/10 recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Financial Tips for HOA Board Members
Ten insights that help board members have peace of mind.
- Developing a budget to monitoring expenses
- Maintaining adequate reserves to communicating transparency